RATED: #14
We’re getting into the darker side of male enhancement with Epic Male Enhancement. It’s our 14th ranked male virility product for a variety of reasons. Our biggest concern with this product is lack of transparency. The website is not secure and seems thrown together as an excuse to take money from unsuspecting guys who are unaware they’re signing up for a home delivery program.
Then there are the usual claims of ‘side effect free’ because of the ‘all-natural ingredients’. Yup, no side effects huh?
We don’t like being harsh with operators in the male enhancement space because there are genuinely good products out there that can help guys in the bedroom. But there are a lot of red flags with Epic Male Enhancement that should be addressed.
Epic Male Enhancement has a few decent ingredients (that they’re willing to disclose). Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Longjack and Asian Panax Ginseng, when properly dosed and combined with other good sexual nutrients, can take your sex life to amazing new places.
It’s generally not a good sign when you Google a product and a list of complaints with the Better Business Bureau appear in the top 3 spots. Those complaints appear to stem from Epic Male Enhancement’s ‘Free Trial’ model. If you’re unaware of how this works, this is essentially a Home Delivery program.
Sign up for the Free Trial. Then, if you don’t cancel in the first 30 days, the company sends new product to your house each month, either at a slightly discounted rate or full price.
There’s also a lack of transparency with the product. The company talks very little about the product and puts everything on one blog-style page that seems thrown together with no effort.
If they can’t be bothered to put together an even basic website, how do we know they put together a good product? The whole thing appears to be set up just to siphon a little cash off the male enhancement group. In fact, the website doesn’t even have a security certificate as of this writing.
At the very least, put up a product shot. Also, provide a money-back guarantee.
There is little mention of the ingredients on Epic Male Enhancement’s website. The ingredients it does mention are L Citrulline, Longjack, Maca, Horny Goat Weed and Asian Panax Ginseng. These are good ingredients, although we don’t know in what amounts they’re included, or if there are other nutrients in the Epic Male Enhancement formula we don’t know ahout.
Epic Male Enhancement is by trial/home delivery program. They don’t disclose their prices.
Again, not to be harsh, but Epic Male Enhancement doesn’t fly on a lot of levels. Transparency is a big one. As is website security, ingredient disclosure, not making the usual claims of “100% Safe because it’s Natural!’ and/or even a simple product shot. The whole thing seems like a trap.

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