Male Edge Pro is our fourth-rated penis extender. The device is high quality. But one again, we’re faced with another case of a penis extender that prices its models (relatively) low and then charging extra for the parts you need for maximum results.
Uggh. Please don’t do that. It’s a huge pet peeve for us here at Men’s Best, if you’ve read our earlier penis extender reviews.
The Guarantee is also a little strange. Male Edge Pro says they will refund twice the purchase price if you don’t see results, and it’s valid for a year. We have some misgivings about that that we’ll discuss in this review.
Male Edge Pro is a high quality device. The packages are affordable and the support is very good.
The sales copy mentions clinical studies done on the device that show it can help you get a bigger penis. That’s reassuring, and the device clearly works – when everything is in place.
Also, the year-long Guarantee is very generous. And the offer of twice your money back instils confidence that the product works.
Male Edge Pro’s online support is excellent. But – and this is important – it’s also a commitment. You’ll need to log in daily to report your progress.
If Male Edge Pro does NOT work, you’ll need to show the online documentation you’ve done and take two pictures of your penis: one Before and one After.
That’s not unreasonable, given the promise to refund twice your purchase. But it also leaves ‘result’s up to interpretation by Male Edge Pro’s customer service. You’ll also have to send their customer support pictures of your penis.
Do you really want to send the company pictures of your penis?
Also, please, please, PLEASE…we like that Male Edge Pro is affordable and good quality, but include everything the customer needs for maximum gains in the packages offered. Don’t charge him extra with ‘Upgrades’.
Male Edge Pro is made in Denmark. It’s a high quality device, although you’re being charged for the basic parts you need as ‘Accessories’.
Male Edge Pro is available in three packages: Basic ($150), Extra ($175) and Pro ($200). The parts you’ll need for best results with Male Edge Pro are sold as ‘Accessories’. But we’ve already grumbled about that.
No. There is no question that Male Edge Pro is a good product. But you shell out extra for the parts needed to truly get a bigger penis. Also, you’re putting in a lot of work online to document your progress – including taking pictures of your penis and sending Before and After shots to Customer Support if you claim a refund. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and while it’s understandable from the company’s perspective, we can all pretty much agree that sending online dick pics isn’t terribly good form.